How to Properly Take Care of your Hair

Lots of mayo and olive oil can condition your hair amazingly ?
yes its true,mayonnaise and olive oil have excellent moisturizing doesn't  mean that your hair is going to get any silkier by slathering handfuls of this stuff on it,you see this treatment can only work with certain hair textures.
so if you have fine hairs without volume,chance are your hair will just end up looking greasy and heavy.however you are in luck if you have thick coarse and extremely dry hair.when applied correctly,mayonnaise and olive oil can be your cost effective deep conditioning treatments.try applying a tablespoon of each ingredient into clean damp hair.rinse after 30 minutes using a gentle cleansing shampoo

Regular Hair cuts =Fastest Hair Growth?
regular trims do help to keep hairs healthy.research shows,no matter what you do,your hair will grow only half an inch.that doesn't  mean you are not going for your next trim,trimming is important because it will prevent damage and encourage healthier hair,it just would not tell your roots to giddy up and grow faster.lets not forget healthy hair appears longer.wondering why because its free from dry, damage and broken visit your salon every 8-10 weeks.
Greasy Hair=no Conditioning?
ladies do you know why you have greasy hairs?its due to the overproduction of sebum a waxy,oily substance that comes from the tissues of the scalp,skipping conditioners are not going to help you much.what you need to do is shampoo,the roots with clarifying shampoo and the ends with a moisturizing shampoo.condition only the middle and end of your hair,keeping it as far as you can from the scalp
oil deposit can also build up on styling tools redistributing them through out your keep your brush clean.use a fine toothed can also try removing oil by dipping both your brush and comb into a bowl of warm water mixed with a few drops of shampoo.

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