7 Skin Products Must be in your Fridge

 Every girl, every woman and even man are conscious about their skin and want their skin to look and feel healthy and smooth. And everyone knows that this charm will come from being happy and having good intake of food. People who want to have skin that looks young and supple and a healthy natural glow to it, need to start by focusing on what types of food they are actually in taking. There are so many things in your own refrigerator, which can help us make our skin sinuous and lithe.

The number one thing that you can put in to your body if you want great looking skin in water. Water bottles, jugs and water dispensers are always available in your fridge. Make sure that you are drinking boiled or filtered water. Drinking water moisturizes your skin from the inside out and clean up your skin. A week of drinking water a healthy amount of water (12- 14) glasses per day can have really some good effects on your skin. Water is important to keep your skin smooth and delicate. The more water you drink, the more you flush all the other stuff out of your body resulting in some healthier, prettier skin.

Summers are here and so are peaches, peaches are available at every store and corner of the road. Fill up your fridge with lot of peaches, chill them, cut them and eat them. Peaches replenish dry skin. The vitamins, minerals and micronutrients in peaches boost the look and feel of the skin as well as protect from diseases.

God gave us the dazzling colour of lemon. Yellow. Just by looking at this fruit one can feel so fresh and bright. Lemons are highly acids fruits, often used in cooking, baking and drinks. However, lemons are also beneficial for skin and can potentially help clean and nourish the skin externally. Lemons also have the bleaching agent, which by applying on the skin eventually lightens the skin and suntans. Lemonade is the best drink in this hot weather, which helps to refresh the body and the skin too.  

Tomatoes are also one of the constant ingredients of the fridge. Its fruit and food, which is rich in anti oxidants and so, will have the skin boosting benefits. Foods rich in cooked tomatoes may boost your body’s ability to ward off skin damage from the sun (UV) rays and stave off the effects of aging. Tomatoes are proven to fight and keep acne at bay.

Take out the chilled cucumber from your refrigerator, cut it into pieces and add it in your daily diet. Cucumber contains important nutrients that benefits the skin including anti oxidants such as vitamin C and A, contains almost 70 to 90% of water and oxygen.

Carrots are also one of the regular fridge items. Carrots are teeming with tiny orange pigments called beta carotene, and when you swallow those pigments, these pigments nestle in to your skin, fill in the blotches, and gives you a healthy glow, help prevent premature aging from sun damage.

An apple a day keeps a doctor away. That’s the tried and tested statement. Its true that apple killed the lot of viruses and bacteria in a human body but along with that an apple is also true form the skin care product. Apple the delicious fruit along with iron contains collagen and elastic that are essential for younger and glowing skin. It also contains vitamins A, B, and C, which is good for healthy skin.
Adding these fruit and vegetables in your diet will help your skin to look bright and healthy, because whatever goes inside your body, it also reflects on your face. Eat good and you will look beautiful no matter what.

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