Hair Removing Methods for Girls

Unwanted facial and body hair is a common problem that can be source of distress, especially for women. The difficulty to remove excess or dark hair usually begins in adolescence and almost continues till the day we die. Whether   it is on the face, armpits, legs, bikini lines or the other body parts. Many women  want to get rid of unwanted hair. So there are many choices to remove unwanted hair, but just a few options to get rid of hair permanently. Here are some methods, which you can adopt for your choice.

We all familiar with waxing, as a hair removing technique, especially in Pakistan many waxing walis carrying their bags all around from door to door. Earning quite a lot from this. Wax is a golden sticky substance similar to caramel, made from sugar, lemon and water. The hair becomes embedded or sticks on the unwanted hair, a cloth or a paper strip is then applied over the wax and quickly pulled off, taking the hair root and dead skin cells with it.

Pros: waxing leaves the skin smooth and silky long lasting. Waxing kites are readily available in drugstores and grocery stores. Re growth of hair is much lighter and thinner.

Cons: Discomfort of the pulling hair of the roots is the biggest drawback of waxing. It stings a bit as the hair comes off. It causes temporary, irritation and bumps after waxing.

Using tweezers, a person stretches the skin tightly, grips the hair near to the roots and pulls it out.
Plucking is inexpensive because all you need are tweezers. But it can be time consuming because you can only remove one hair at a time.
Plucking is painful and obviously time consuming when you are concentrating on each hair of your body. It causes temporary red dumps because the hair follicle is swollen and irritated.

 Threading is very common here in Pakistan as it is not an expensive and you can find a lot of experts here in every parlour. All it requires is a thin twisted cotton, which is rolled over, and take out the lines of untidy hair. It usually takes hair out from moustaches, eyebrows, chin and forehead.
As it takes the thin line of hair so it has the amazing ability to be so concise in the hair that it removes, especially it maintains the shape of eyebrow. It’s quick and not expensive.
The biggest deprivation of threading is on the ouch factor. You feel so uncomfortable during threading usually your tears come out.

Epilator is a handy electrical device, which grasps multiple hairs simultaneously and pulls them out from the skin.
Epilator is the fast in plucking out the unwanted hair. It’s also less time consuming which is good for the working ladies to use.
It again gives the discomfort to the skin as it pluck lot of hair at the same time. It leaves temporary red marks on the skin. Epilator is not good for eye brows because it plucks the bunch of hairs.

Shaving hair is bit too common here as its very simple to use. Once  just have to apply shaving cream, lotion or even soap and drag the razor on the skin.
Shaving is not expensive, it is also less time consuming and one can do it on your own.
The basic disadvantage of razor is that it does not lasts for 2 or 3 days. Side effects of shaving are red bumps, scratches, cuts, and ingrown hairs.

Hair removal creams:
Hair removal creams are also very simple and common method to removing the hairs. It works with the reacting with the protein structure of the hair and the hair dissolves and is later be washed or wiped away.
Hair removal creams have one of the biggest marketing campaigns in Pakistan, which are commonly available in every corner of the street. These creams can be used on legs, underarms and bikini areas.
Hair removal creams are very peculiar odor, which is quite unsatisfactory for a lot people. Many people even have allergic reactions due to the chemicals, which are used in these creams. Which also cause the skin rashes.
Electrolysis kills the hair when a professional inserts a follicle and sends an electric current through the hair root. A small area such as the upper lip may take a total of 4 to 10 hours and a larger area such as the bikini lines may take 8 to 16 hours.
Electrolysis is the permanent technique for hair removal.
This technique is electrolysis is extreme expensive and painful, the after effects of electrolysis are dry skin, scabs, scarring, and inflammation. Its take lot of time even for a small area, as the upper lips may take a total of 4 to 10 hours.

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