Keep your Home more Clean in the Month of Ramadan

Being a Muslim cleanliness is the first priority for us or in our lives. We are Muslims so it’s our morality to keep clean physically and spiritually. Spiritually cleanliness is to offering the prayer, zikars, fasting and by following religious instructions. Physically cleanliness means to keep clean your body and as well a home where you live. As I am talking about the month of blessings the Ramadan don’t forget to give proper attention to your home as to give the other home works. If your home should not be cleaned than your surroundings are not to be considered clean. Your home is your everything where you live every time; it’s not the place that you or any person wants to avoid to give the attention on cleanliness of their homes.

First of all always keep in mind that this the month of Ramadan you wants to give the iftar parties to your friends and relatives in homes, then your first preference to keep clean your home. Because it’s matter a lot. In this month often women are busy in kitchen for cooking. Women are busy in their work of kitchen so it’s difficult for them to give proper attention to their homes cleanliness. Cleanliness of home makes you feel enjoy more. Now a day the weather is of the insects, make it sure that your home is clean from them. Use anti bacterial cleansers to clean your home. Keep your home hygienic in the Holy month of Ramadan.

Try the following tips to make your home clean in your busy schedule:
Here are some tips to keep clean your home:

·         Ramadan keeps you much busy in kitchen. If you want your home clean in Ramadan than think before starting of Ramadan. It will also save your time and gives you relaxation in Ramadan.

·         Morning hours are best for you to clean your home. Because this time you are free no tension for lunch.

·         Get help from the youngsters, were Ramadan keeps the elders busy with lots of other stuff. You can make your children busy in cleaning the home.

·         You can hair a maid or servant to clean the home in the month of Ramadan. It will great to keep you little free for the home busy schedule.  

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