Protect your Skin From Black Heads in Summer

It has been observed that blackheads pimples and other skin problems increases in summer hot weather. This is because of the dust and oil, which is surface of the face especially on the area of nose and chin. Because our skin is not cleaned properly in summer due to the sweat and more oil on face.Hormonal changes on the body also cause the problem of skin pimples, blackheads and hair growth on face. In simpler words we can say the blackheads in summer more increases then the winter.
Many people follows some strict tips in summer and blackheads removal tips, but their effect just the temporary. So if you want to know about how to remove the blackheads in summer then read this fully.

Blackhead care tips in summer:
Here are many ways to remove blackheads in summer and to get rid of blackheads.
·         The first tip is to wash your face three times in a day. Because washing face controls the oil on your skin surface.

·         Washing is good but avid too much washing your face, because it causes the acne problem.

·         Blackhead care in summer is one of the avoid to exposure of your skin to directly to the sun. Because the harmful rays of the sun may cause disaster of the skin.

·         Its important to know for you that when your skin is sweating the washing method is best rather than the wiping. Because when you wipe your face the oil and dirt both gathers into your face and cause the blackheads.

·         There are many ideas for you to remove your blackheads. Natural or medical method you can adopt which suits you according to your skin. Above all the natural method is best than the others.

·         Avoid to use chemicals such as creams or other things go to natural things, steam your face regularly it will very helpful for you in this hot weather. It soften the skin will also open the pores. Than you can easily remove your blackheads.

·         Use honey because it is powerful anti bacterial agent. You can use the honey for blackhead removal.

·         Except this blackhead extractors can also be used for blackhead removal.
·         Before going to bed always wash your face with fresh water not with the soap or any face wash.

·         If your skin is already oily than its necessary for you to avoid soap in summer and use essential foaming face wash which leaves your skin smooth and soft. And you can easily remove the blackheads after washing the face, use soft towel and press slowly.

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