Textiles is named in the middle of the renowned and well established textile
mills in Pakistan. This textile mill has their main intention towards the
designing of clothes for the women. This brand just love to play with the
combination of diverse clothing fabrics including the lawn, silk and
embroidered prints. The main quality of this brand comes in the road of the use
of finest quality fabric and striking designs for the clothes. Newly, Ittehad
highlighted their exclusive and out of the ordinary special retro collection
2012 for women. The entire collection takes back the women into the old ages
traditional fashion era. The dresses not just given the implication of
stylishness but also create the women additional appealing and graceful.
the dresses of Retro collection 2012 have been occupied with the cotton
clothing fabric that is accessible with the stitched pattern for the customers.
In this article we are sharing few pictures of Ittehad retro collection 2012.
The colors used in the collection have been quite pleasing and full of life for
women. Apart from the summer the dresses can even be worn in the winter time of
year as well. In simple words, the whole Ittehad retro collection 2012 has been
dashingly charismatic and attractive. If you just love the dresses and needs to
know additional about the rates then you can openly get hold over the Ittehad
brand all through the face book fan page stated under:
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