Reduce 12KG Weight in 90 Days Naturally

yes its not a you can reduce your wait by 12kg just by following some easy tips and diet chart. remember its not a tough following this dieting chart and some other tips you can easily reduce your we all know that fatness is itself a disease and it is very important to reduce weight if you are over weight.

Slimming Plan


*1quarter yogurt with 2 tb spoon chilka ispaghol
*after 1 hour take 1 cup tea without sugar and less can also use green tea
*after 2 hours 1 apple

*1 chappati with less oil salan/vegetable/daal
* after 1 hour take 1 cup of tea or green tea without sugar

*1 chappati of small size with less oil salan/vegetable/daal
*half hour walk

Some other Tips
daily walk of half hour is must 
don't eat anything before sleeping 
avoid sugar or less sugar,oily food,junk food, chocolates,bakery items like cake,muffins,brownies,hot chocolates.
drink plenty of water but don't drink water at least for 1 hour after taking meal
avoid juices can drink fresh juice
avoid mangoes and mango shake,avoid ice creams
avoid rice,bananas,mangoes, potatoes 
eat slowly if you want to loose weight quicker
eat fruits and salad if you feel hungry
avoid all types of cold and soft drinks
in the last don't always think that you are on dieting or eat less just relax your mind and feel pleasant 

we have tested these all tips and food charts and many people reduce weight by following these

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