Health Care Important tips

Today we share some important tips on how to care for health.good health is important for everyone.this articles contains some tips specially about muscles weakness and how to strong your muscles by simple exercises

Workout tips:
To add strength to leg muscles and get a cardiovascular workout at the same time, try climbing plain old stairs. This can be done at home, in office apartment and building. Or on stair climbing machines in a gym. Climbing two steps at a time is good for building the quadriceps (thigh muscles) and the gluteus. Going down steps builds strength in the quadriceps and, to a lesser extent, the hamstrings. If you are looking for a slimmer waistline, avoid training your abs with heavy loads. You should aim to use a weight where you can achieve at least 15 repetitions per set.  Between sets, keep rest 60 seconds or less.

Calm down:
 Prolonged or server stress can age or weaken the body, and make one more susceptible to illness. Short periods of stress are normal for everyone but coping and reducing prolonged stress is important to your overall health. How we deal with it determines how it affects us. Eating more or less due to stress is not a proper way of dealing with it.
                                                                               Top Tips:     

For everyone hour of work take a five minute break and, stretch, walk or meditate. With just a few minutes of relaxation or din something other than work, you will increase your physical  activity as well as productivity and feel better throughout the day.
                                                                               To Meditate:

·  Set aside a five or 20 minute session.
·  Find a quiet and private place to be.
·  Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
·  Relax your body muscles.
·  Concentrate on your breathing or a single thought without being distracted.
                                                       Treat Injures with R.I.C.E:

If you are suffering from a sport related injury, use R.I.C.E. the term stands for rest, ice, compression and elevation.
Take a break from exercise or any type of movement that may stress the injured area. A minor injury should be rested for a day or two while more severe injuries may need a longer rest.
Ice the affected area. Icing reduces pain, limits, swelling and bleeding, and encourages rapid healing. Wrap ice in a towel, to avoid direct contact with the skin.
Compress the injury with stretch bandage. Make sure not to wrap it too tight, just enough to covered the injured area comfortably.
Elevate the limb if possible; try to keep the injured part above the level of the heart. At the very least try to keep it higher than the hips. This helps limit swelling and also prevents movement of the area that is injured.

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