Makeup Tricks for Picture Perfect Face


Are we all not concerned about how we look in photos? What a disaster feeling when a friend tags your photo that highlights nothing but the bad side of your face, a funny nose or a bright camera light all over your face, lighting you want a 100 watt light bulb. 
Here are few makeup tricks to hide your facial flaws and have a picture perfect face for all those memorable moments.

Use Matters:
Every thing with shine and shimmer reflects camera light. Use a matt foundation, matte face powder and matte contouring to give your face a balanced look. Accentuating your features and adding a tinge of color always makes you look naturally beautiful in pictures.

Apply makeup in natural light:
For perfect results always apply your makeup in natural light. Applying makeup indoor lighting fails to highlight the true structure of your face. Natural light uncovers every flaw and allows you to prop up each part of your face. Natural light gives you realistic feel of what each color looks like on your skin.

Black is your friend:
Apply a black eye liner and mascara instead of eye shadow. It will give your face a beautiful contrast drawing attention towards your eyes. Darker hues in your eye makeup give you a well-defined, confident look.

Blend Blend Blend: 
Whatever makeup you apply make sure of blending it well for you do not want the camera to capture and bald and makeup naked parts of your face; it given an uneven look. Make sure you blend well your under eye concealer with 100% coverage for a clean and even look. Failure to blend well may result in grey areas that make your skin oily and unkempt.

Blush it up:
Using blush above your cheeks bones, going all the way up to the sides of your eyebrows helps define your face. Add a dash of shimmer above it and voila! There is another side to your face that is defined and attention grabbing. Blush applied in the right manner allows the camera to capture a well-defined face structure.

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