How to do Manicure and Pedicure at Home by yourself

Summer tips for hands & nails
The Perfect Manicure:
Yes, there is no limits to the amount of salons offering manicures and pedicures but often the tools they are not used sterilized or they should not be used at all owing to risk of infection. We say it is better to invest in some good hand and nail care products and DIY it. So what does the perfect manicure need?

1. Nail polisher remover
2. Nail clippers
3. Emery board
4. Cuticle removing gel
5. Cuticle pusher
6. Bowl of warm water
7. Hand scrub
8. Nail brush
9. Cuticle oil
10. Hand cream
11. Cotton swabs or pads
12. Nail buffer
13. Base Coat
14. Nail polish
15. Top coat

Collect all your tools and treatments and sit comfortably at a table and chair. Take off all your rings and bracelets and just relax. Remove any old bits of nail polish with the nail polish remover and cut your nails straight across. The ideal length is to keep them even with your fingertips. File them in shape, filing in one direction only. Don’t move back and forth as this will weaken your nails and make them likely to split and peel. Round of the corners of your nails slightly. Grab your cuticle remover and apply it across your cuticles. 
This treatment dissolves the cuticles, and making them easy to push back. If you don’t have this product then it’s not an issue, soak your hands in warm water for 10 minutes to soften your cuticles. Then push them back with the cuticle pusher. You can then dry your hands and apply the hand scrub If you have one. Rotate your fingers as you massage your hands, three times in the clock-wise direction and three in the anti-clock-wise direction. Wash with hand scrub. Use the nailbrush and clean up the dust under your nails. Now take the cuticle oil and massage it in your cuticles. This treatment makes your nails neat and clean.
Finally, massage in a hand cream and paying attention to your palms, using your thumb in a circular motion. 
Run a cotton swab dipped in to nail polish remover over your nails to remove all the let oil and cream and prep your nails or nail polish. You can leave your nails as it or apply nail polish apply a base coat and leave your ails to dry. Don’t skip this step as it prolongs the lie o your manicure and reduces chipping. Apply polish in to thick coats. Thick coats results faster chipping. Fix any mistake in a Q-tip soaked in remover. Wait ten minutes before applying a top coat. And there you have it!
An easy at-home manicure with saloon results.

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