Tips on How to Stop Hair Loss and Make your Hair Beautiful

Here are some hair care tips, which you can use to help stop hair loss and keep your existing hair healthy and looking great.

1.        Massage scalp with your finger tips daily to stimulate and promote circulation to the scalp and reduce excess fall out.
2.        Comb and brush out hair and scalp gently with about 100- 200 strokes in the morning and at the night. This helps break up hardened oils(sebum) that are clogging hair follicles.
3.        When using a hair dryer, always keep it a good distance away from your hair. Excessive heat will increase hair loss or hair fall.
4.        Avoid getting hair creams, lotions, styling gels and sprays directly on the scalp as they clog hair follicles. Use a light holds spray instead.
5.        After swimming, shampoo your hair to remove any chlorine residue. Chlorine is extremely damaging to hair and scalp.
6.        Avoid over exposing hair and the scalp to wind and the sun.
7.        Avoid tight caps as they contribute to poor circulation, depriving hair of proper nutrition and stunting new hair growth. Sweat, dirt and grime around the rim inhibit follicle health and contribute to buildup.
8.        Always consult your hair care provider for extreme causes of excess fall out and thinning. A medical condition or medication could be causing hair loss side effects.
9.        Strive your balance and harmony in both your personal and professional life style. High stress factors can cause your body to react by fluctuation hormone levels.
10.     Pregnancy, nursing, menopause and birth control medication can cause constant changes in nutritional needs and hormonal levels which contributes to hair loss.

Herbal tips:
A good shampoo for normal, dark hair can be made as follows:
·         Take one tables spoon rosemary and one tablespoon sage. Put them in a small bowl and pour 120 ml boiling water. Leave to get cold then strain. Meanwhile, take 360ml water, pour in to a saucepan and put in enough chopped leaves and steam of soapwort plant so that they are just covered. Bring to boil very gently then let it simmer for five minutes. Leave to cool down, strain and add to the first herbal. For blonde hair, substitute chamomile for rosemary and sage. For auburn hair use marigold.
·         Combining 30 ml olive oil 30 ml caster oil, and 180ml water in which four tablespoon of a suitable herb has been infused can make another good cleansing shampoo.
·         If you want a dry shampoo you can apply powered Orrisroot to clean the hair. Comb the hair into sections, apply the powder at the roots, then comb, or brush it in to the end. Keep brushing the hair until all traces of the powder have been removed.
·         Take one egg, six-teaspoon cider vinegar, two tea spoon honey, mix this together, then add olive oil drop by drop. Use this mixture before you wash your hair.
·         Coconut oil and peach- kernel oil also make excellent bases for conditioners for “hungry” hair. You can substitute either of these oils for the olive oil and combine them with egg, vinegar and honey in the same “mayonnaise” mixture and apply it in the same way.

Check your diet and hair care habits making sure that you are not using chemical based colorants, dyes, perm etc.
Or getting excessive heat from rollers, tongs or dryers. A rich protein diet, plenty of drinking water, cheese, exercise and sound sleep are also important for hair problems. 
Use mineral supplements and Multivitamins. For good health and strong hair…

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