Beauty Tips for your Neck

                                  How to care your neck in summer    

Do you find your neck area is discolored or tanned and wrinkled skin?  Or Do you feel that your neck area is more wrinkled than your face?  Don’t worry here are some instructions for caring the neck especially in hot and burning summer don’t get avoid your neck because it is also the prominent part of your body. The area of chin and shoulders are neck. If your face is beautiful but your neck is wrinkled than the beauty is nothing. So also take care of your neck.
Follow some tips:
·         To start we focused on the tanned and discolored area of the neck, because the skin of the neck is equal to the face skin. And you must take care as you do for your face. And it is also easy steps to cleanup your neck with good moisturizer.

·         Neck also required nourishment, apply the moisturizer and massage your neck upwards to the face. Daily 2,3 minutes a day, it will looks good as your face skin.

·         Apply sunscreen on your neck when going outside.
·         Once in a week exfoliate the skin, it will remove the dead cells and your neck looks good and brighter.

·         To reduce the darker color of the neck use the home remedy, use yogurt with lemon juice apply it on your neck leave for 10 to 15 minutes. When it goes dry, wash it cool water.  And remove the tanned of the skin. Use it daily.

·         Mostly women neglected their neck area because of their daily home lives, but don’t worry here are some home remedies which you can use in your homes easily. Take grind brown sugar, apply it on face and neck massage it for 5 minutes then wash it removes your dead skin and tighten your neck and skin.

·         Neck enhances your personality as well as face skin. If your skin of neck is more darker than your face than apply a mask daily:
2 spoons   yogurt
2 drops of lemon juice
1spoon rosewater
1 spoon olive oil

Now mix these all and apply it daily in the any time of the day. It will gives you the brighter and shinny results. But use daily, don’t neglect your neck massage it daily with good nourishing creams before going to bed. you can do easily all this, because for this every thing is available in your kitchen.
Also take plenty of water. Use the fresh fruits which are available, they can help you increase your beauty…

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