Correct Postures for your Body|Health Care Tips

Are you worried about your postures? Do you think that sitting straight is difficult and impossible mission, after slaving away at your desk all day for hours, at the mercy of your keyboard?

Do you want to get rid so those nasty and unhealthy, hideous looking hunchback posture problems?

Your posture is a reflection of your health. When you are out of any public place, what do you think that people notice first, a person who is standing tall and straight or somebody who looks like he wants to crawl into his shell? Well people may notice the person who’s slouching and looks all slumped over, but for all of the wrong reasons.
A good posture can make some one look tall and slim and most importantly confident, although correcting poor posture can take a long time, especially if you’ve had a bad posture for years, be patient with your self. Here are some ways to improve your postures.
    Straighten out whatever is slouching:

Stand up in front of the mirror and check out which areas are preventing you to standing straight. Is your back bent? Is your head down? Are your shoulders slouched forward? Straighten out whatever is drooping. Try the balloon method. Stand up right now. Imagine that there is a balloon extending from your head and it is pulling your head upward towards the sky. You will automatically stand up straight with your spine stretched out.
                                                 Keep the soles of your feet flat on the floor:
If you are at your desk all day long, make sure that you sit on a firm chair with a high back make sure that your hips and your back both are against the back of the chair, and keep your knees at hip level or a little lower. If your back is not getting the support, it needs from the back of the chair, or you find it difficult to stay against the back of the chair then try placing a pillow or a towel to support your lower back.
                                                       You need more movement:

If you are working or you are a student, then your life involves a lot of sitting around and you are more likely to slouch. For an office job, you should make a habit of getting up and moving around even if it’s just for a minute, once after every 30 minutes. When you are walking keep your head up and eyes looking straight ahead. Avoid pushing your head forward. Your shoulders should be properly aligned with the rest of the body. Don’t slouch when you walk. Try to walk as if you have a book balanced on your head.

                  Avoid backbreaking activities:

Always sleep on a firm mattress. Sleep on your back or side. Try not to sleep on your stomach. If you do, place a pillow under your waist. Sleeping on your back will help straighten your shoulders and it is usually more comfortable that sleeping on the stomach. Sleep tight.
If you need help remembering to keep your posture, think of a unique object or color. Every time you think of that object, check your posture.

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